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As the number of posts in db grew, so has one particular issue: the presence of duplicates. People would post an advert, and some time later, post another one, usually quite similar. This has made the search function more and more cumbersome to use.

In this post, I will present the research I le…

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I just added preview from imgur links in fleebmarket, and I must say, I'm pretty amazed by how this looks !

Like any good thing, this does not come without downsides:

  • the preview uses the imgur embed mechanism (in order to comply with imgur TOS, and because this was much easier to implemen…

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The fleebmarket db is built by parsing posts on /r/mechmarket. But since posts on /r/mecharket are often updated to reflect the current status of the trade, parsing the subreddit's new posts is only half of the job.

Each post needs to be regularly fetched, parsed and then updated in the db t…

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Disclaimer: I have very little experience with Django Rest Framework, so it's very likely that I missed some of it's subleties.

Fleebmarket needs some maintenance API; it is mostly used to keep the database up to date with posts from /r/mechmarket. Since I was using Django, I initiall…

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I bought some keyboard parts, and realized that's not really what I wanted. So I looked online for a way to sell them, only to find the dready state of second-hand keyboard market! (I must say I did'nt look really deep, but lists of adverts of any kind and from anywhere just felt very unefficient …